Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Hong Kong Peak

One of the main reasons why I wanted to come to Hong Kong was the HK Peak... It's the highest point in HK where it overlooks the City... It's also one of the reasons why I got the D800 as I wanted to have this shot at 36mp to enable for a crisper larger print...

I've printed stuff from my D7000 at 12x18, but was thinking to take my prints further and larger...

People say that 16mp is large enough for a larger print, but it can't hurt to have more right?

I got the shot, and not 100% liking it... There's a massive Dynamic Range from the Cliff Edges and the buildings as there is no light hitting the Cliff's... Therefore there's a Massive Shadow around the bottom edge, which is not far off from what the eyes see... But if you do a long exposure, the camera does pick out some Green's...

If I never come back, I have a good shot... however, I believe I might revisit the Peak and re-take the shots with various exposures to attempted a HDR...

I cropped the negative space at the top and bottom, just to keep the focus in on the buildings and lights...

On a closing note... Haagen Daz Summer Berries Ice Cream Sandwich is the shit! I'm addicted to those right now... I hope I can find them in the UK...

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